Saturday, June 26, 2010

Heraldry Everywhere -- T-Shirts Today!

I was walking home when I spied a group of bicyclists outside Levain Bakery. Their t-shirts caught my eye from a half-block away. Here is the design used by the Overseas Chinese Mission (OCM) to identify themselves and their organization. My thanks to these cheerful people for allowing me to photograph the back of one of their group!

Heraldry is bold and visible this afternoon! I hope the OCM had a great bike ride today.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Pythian Heraldry??

All photos by Maria A. Dering

Since the early 1980s, I have been fascinated by a building in my Upper West Side Manhattan neighborhood: formerly the Pythian Temple, now a condominium. If you would like a larger image of the plaque, please post a comment here or a note on Facebook.

Today, I photographed the exterior details and present them here. The question: are these examples of heraldry (ways to identify oneself and group), decoration, symbols, or something else? What do you think? Please comment.

above the main entrance

Pharoanic figures, maybe based on Ramses II

Horus, perhaps?

asps and lotus

ankh, asp, etc.

At a glance:

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

2 Heraldry Presentations

Hello, everyone! Just posted two of my heraldry presentations on my website: Click "Portfolio" once there and scroll down to the Heraldry heading. The "Lost Arms" presentation takes a few seconds to load. I hope you enjoy these.